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Stop the Freak Out! How to Overcome Dog Anxiety During Scary Situations.

If you or anyone you love and care about suffer anxiety, then you understand just how difficult it is to get by. Just like humans, dogs also experience anxiety. Dog anxiety affects all breeds of dogs; in some cases, other breeds are affected more than others. If left unaddressed, anxiety in dogs can affect a dog's behavior. Many reasons cause anxiety in dogs. Fears, phobias and separation trigger anxiety. Specific circumstances and environments also cause anxiety. Events like trips to the vet, thunderstorms and car rides are common triggers of anxiety. Expression of dog anxiety takes forms like excessive barking, unusual grooming behavior, destructive behavior, and aggression.

Dog anxiety and phobia treatment are possible through training, conditioning, and medication. When considering the treatment of anxiety, it is essential to know the source of its anxiety. Is your dog suffering from separation anxiety? Is your dog's anxiety triggered by predictive events like car rides, trips to the vet, fireworks or other phobias? Different types of anxiety are associated with different behavioral patterns. For example, a dog suffering from separation anxiety tends to exhibit destructive behavior when left alone in the house. The dog chews up household items ranging from furniture, shoes, staircase rails, and window sills. What is prominent are the scratches on the exit portals of the house; especially the doors and windows. It appears like the dog is trying to break out of the house and reunite with its owner.

Overcoming Dog anxiety

Physical Exercise

Stress is linked to anxiety. Exercise helps humans blow off stream and relieve stress. This therapy is also effective in animals. Physical exercise is beneficial to the mental health of your dog through a couple of ways. First, exercise stimulates the production of serotonin, the natural feel-good hormone. Serotonin is the same feel-good chemical that the human body generates when we go for a hike or work out. Secondly, working out rids the canine body of tension and pent-up energy that can build up to anxiety. Exercise is the perfect remedy of chronic anxiety. The only side effect is that your dog is likely to suffer from excessive happiness and balanced mental health. Exercise options include playing a game of fetch with your furry companion, hiking, morning or evening runs, and dog walks. Exercise distracts the canine brain from its worries, phobias, and fears. It is a viable remedy against separation anxiety.


Fireworks and thunderstorms instill fear in many dogs. Meeting new people and interacting with new animals can also cause anxiety. Distraction can be effective in pulling your dog's mind from fearful stimuli. You can distract your dog with simple commands; for example, you can make your dog focus on you while fireworks are exploding outside the window. Distraction is effective because it helps the dog interact with familiar objects rather than facing the strange environment that frightens it. When you are in the park and someone walks by with a dog that clearly makes yours nervous, what do you do? The park is a public place, you do not have any control over other pedestrians. An appropriate solution to this problem is distraction. It offers the perfect time to practice tricks. You can even use dog treats to distract your dog; especially when you own a canine that is highly motivated by food.

The Thunder Shirt

The thunder shirt is a tight-fitting outfit that wraps around your dog. The concept behind the thundershirt is that the feeling of constant pressure on the body can calm the canine's nerves. The thundershirt is effective for motion-related anxiety like car rides, noise anxiety- thunderstorms and fireworks, among other anxieties. Testimony from certain dog owners support the effectivity of the thunder shirt against dog anxiety. Nature does not specify dogs as garment wearing animals. Depending on a dog's personality, some canines may reject the thundershirt, and the build-up of body heat may cause stress to the animal. If the thundershirt works for your animal, I would recommend that you use it alongside other therapies. visit site

Relaxing Massage

Nothing soothes the body and mind like a good massage. Apparently, dogs appreciate massages as much as humans. Long and slow strokes along the contours of your dog's body can soothe nerves. A popular dog massage method is the TTouch technique; developed by Linda Tellington-Jones. This massage technique employs the use of circular movement of the fingers. TTouch is relaxing to animals.

Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP)

In general, animals respond to pheromones. Animals attract potential mates with pheromones and mark territories with these natural chemicals. Synthetic pheromones, derived from female lactating dogs, can be helpful in calming dogs. The effectivity of this therapy is still not clear, but it is worth a try.


Just like humans, dogs have an endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is comprised of a network of receptors that respond to cannabinoids. CB1 and CB2 receptors, when stimulated, give dogs sensations of wellness. CBD does not stimulate CB1 and CB2 receptors directly. Instead, it acts on the Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT1A) receptors, found in the brain, making the receptors more sensitive to serotonin. Serotonin is the feel-good neuroreceptor. When a canine is depressed, the sensitivity of 5-HT1A receptors is negatively affected, making it hard for serotonin stimulation. CBD makes 5-HT1A receptors more sensitive to serotonin thus restoring your dog's positive vibes. visit site

Dog-Calming Music

Humans have been tapping into the power of music to overcome anxiety. Even King Soul used to summon a young (then, to be king) David, to play him melodies that would calm him down. Music has the same effect on dogs. To overcome separation anxiety, you can leave the television or the stereo on to comfort your dog in your absence. There is a specific playlist that is said to be beneficial to dogs that suffer from anxiety. Through a Dog's Ear is a selection of musical pieces aimed at overcoming dog anxiety. If the source of your dog's anxiety is predictable, like a car ride, a trip to the vet, or loneliness, you can play your dog this playlist to calm it down.

Rescue Remedy and Supplements

Rescue Remedy remedy is a popular alternative employed by those who seek herbal solutions for dog anxiety. Rescue Remedy is a mixture of natural herbs and flower extracts. Rescue Remedy bases its success on the concept that natural aromas can have calming effects on a troubled mind. Lavender and passion fruit extracts are common nerve calming plant aromas. Rescue Remedy comes in multiple forms; from sprays to drops.

Dog anxiety can be severe if ignored. Your dog may start acting up in aggressive and destructive ways. There are endless ways of calming an anxious dog. This article only focuses on natural techniques. Please consult your veterinarian before you administer antidepressants like Prozac or any other medication. Keep your dog happy and cheerful!